Top Reasons To See A Dentist Immediately Rather Than Waiting

When should you go to the dentist? Wait for the pain? Going to the dentist can mean an unpleasant moment or even fear for some people. And although most of dental treatments are not complicated or painful, there are many people who do not like to visit the dentist. Skipping appointments or finding excuses to postpone them may not seem like a problem. But the truth is that there are many alterations that develop in the mouth in a short time.

Visiting the dentist on a regular basis not only helps to have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. It also allows for taking care of general health, preventing complications, and avoiding more complicated and expensive approaches. In this post, we will tell you the top reasons to see a dentist immediately rather than waiting. Keep reading and discover them.


A regular visit to the dentist, other than for an emergency, is recommended at least every six months or when indicated by the specialist. So you can keep your teeth and gums healthy.

When you go to your regular visit to the dentist, he will first check or examine your entire mouth. And then he will clean you if necessary.

The specialist will ask you about your oral and general health. They need to understand any medical history that may have an impact on treatment and diagnosis. For example, if you have diabetes, hypertension, among others. Even the medications you take, as some can cause dry mouth syndrome.

The dentist will check for cavities. They may take an X-ray if necessary to see if they are between the teeth or in hard-to-reach areas. The exam will also look for plaque and tartar on your teeth.

The dentist will also look at your gums. He will see the space between the teeth and the gums. If they are healthy, the spaces are superficial, but if there is a disease such as gingivitis, these spaces are deeper.

A visit to the dentist will also include an examination of your head, face, neck, and throat to look for any signs of problems such as swelling, lumps, or cancer.


You should not wait until you have a toothache to go to the dentist. It is best to take regular care of your oral health, so you will avoid the possibility of having discomfort in your mouth.

People who know the advantages of visiting the dentist go to their appointments. This is because they know they will save themselves a lot of trouble in the future, compared to those who don’t.

Teeth are a vital part of your body, which is why they require regular care. Oral health is part of general health.

There are many reasons why you should see a dentist immediately. Here we explain the most important:


Many times people do not have enough information or know the proper way to perform correct dental hygiene. They think that brushing their teeth a couple of times a day is enough.

But neglect of the mouth can lead to the appearance of problems that can be prevented. By visiting the dentist, the professional is responsible for teaching and reinforcing the appropriate measures to keep the mouth healthy.

Thus, in dental check-ups, you will learn to brush your teeth correctly and floss. In addition, you receive instructions on the most appropriate paste for your mouth and if it is necessary to use mouthwashes.

The dentist will also provide advice regarding diet. Eating healthy and avoiding ultra-processed foods, high in sugar or highly acidic, helps take care of the teeth.


In routine check-ups, the dentist can detect any abnormality in the mouth. This makes it possible to diagnose common problems, such as cavities, gingivitis, and pyorrhea, or more serious cases, such as oral cancer.

By acting immediately, complex and invasive treatments are avoided. If visits to the dentist are postponed, oral pathologies progress. And the therapies to reverse them will be more complicated.

For example, going to the dentist makes it possible to detect and treat cavities earlier by making a simple filling. On the other hand, if the disease progresses without being diagnosed, then root canals will be necessary, the placement of a crown and even the extraction of the tooth.

Acting early improves the prognosis. Well, an early diagnosis allows you to be referred for specialized care.


Some habits, even those that we carry out unconsciously, can be detrimental to oral health. Visiting the dentist allows you to detect these harmful habits and the damage they cause.

Prolonged use of a pacifier or bottle, finger sucking, mouth breathing, or atypical swallowing are some examples of harmful habits during childhood. Detecting and treating them early helps prevent malocclusions.

Bruxism is a common habit in adulthood that, if not stopped in time, causes excessive wear on the teeth and problems in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Dental sensitivity, headaches, and neck pain are usually the symptoms accompanying this ailment.

Chewing ice, biting your nails or other objects, frequently eating hard or sticky sweets, and brushing your teeth with great force are also harmful activities. In addition, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages or coffee regularly have harmful effects.


Visiting the dentist regularly also improves sleep. On the one hand, a toothache can be the reason for sleepless nights. And with a lot of discomfort and despair.

Likewise, problems such as bruxism and sleep apnea also make it difficult to sleep. The dentist can detect these problems and seek solutions that, among other benefits, will improve rest.


Oral diseases and pathologies originating in other parts of the body manifest themselves in the oral cavity. The dentist is capable of differentiating the symptoms to reach a diagnosis or collaborate with the doctor.

Some diseases of the mouth can affect the general health of your body. Periodontitis, for example, increases the risk of suffering from the following:

• Diabetes.

• Heart conditions.

• Memory decline.

• Complications during pregnancy.

• Erection problems.

• Respiratory diseases.

On the other hand, the oral manifestations of systemic diseases can be detected by the dentist during the check-up. Finding signs of eating disorders, osteoporosis, and even some types of cancer allows you to be referred to the right specialist.


A healthy and beautiful mouth is one of the best cover letters. Being able to feel comfortable with the appearance of the mouth helps people to gain confidence and security when it comes to relating to others.

Visiting the dentist helps keep your mouth in good condition and improve its appearance. With professional cleaning, tartar and surface stains are removed.

It is also possible to solve uncomfortable problems such as the bad breath. And in the case of crooked teeth and bite problems, orthodontics is a solution.


You will be able to eat everything, no longer suffer from bad breath, and have a healthy smile. In short, you will enjoy a healthy and quality life thanks to your dental health, which will undoubtedly have a positive influence on your life expectancy.


Today there are many advances and technology that ensure dental treatment is not painful or annoying. Therefore, there are no excuses! Don’t wait for pain. Visit your dentist immediately and take care of your mouth!