
What To Do When Your Tooth Is Knocked Out


When a tooth is knocked out, it can be a traumatic experience and an emergency dental situation. Knowing what to do in the instance of a knocked-out tooth can make all the difference in saving the tooth and preventing further damage. This article outlines the steps you should take when your tooth is knocked out and will provide advice regarding finding emergency dental care near you.

What to do when Your Tooth Is Knocked Out

1. Retrieve the Tooth.

If possible, retrieve the tooth and handle it by the crown (the white part of the tooth). Do not scrub or clean off any attached tissue fragments. If the tooth is dirty, rinse it gently in lukewarm water and try not to touch the root.

2. Re-Implant the Tooth.

If possible, re-implant the tooth to its socket as soon as possible and keep it in place with your finger or cloth until you can get to an emergency dentist office. Don’t worry if you can’t re-implant the tooth, it is still possible to save the tooth.

3. Preserve the Tooth.

If you are unable to re-implant the tooth, put the tooth into the container of salt water until you get to an emergency dentist office and preserve as much of the root structure as possible.

4. Find Emergency Dental Care Near You.

Once you’ve taken the necessary steps to preserve your tooth, it is time to find emergency dental care near you. It is important to call ahead and make sure the dentist can accommodate your needs as soon as possible.

Those are the immediate steps that you should take when a tooth is knocked out. You will still need to seek emergency dental care to address the issue.

Finding Emergency Dental Care Near You

There are several ways to find emergency dental care near you. The following are a few tips to help you find the right facility for your needs:

1) Online search

When you need urgent dental care, an online search is the quickest way to find a provider near you. Start by searching for “emergency dentist” or “dental emergency” and include your city or zip code in the search term. This will help narrow down the list of providers and make it easier to find one that meets your needs.

2) Search for Reviews

Once you have a list of possible providers, look them up online and read reviews from past patients. This can provide insight into the quality of care that each facility offers and help you make an informed decision on where to seek treatment.

3) Ask Your Primary Care Dentist

If you have an established primary care dentist, contact them to see if they can recommend a facility for emergency dental care near you. This option is especially helpful if you need the same type of treatment that your primary dentist offers.

4) Call Your Insurance Provider

If you have dental insurance, call your provider and ask for a list of in-network emergency dentists in your area. This is a great way to save money on services and ensure that you are getting quality care from an experienced professional.

How to Prevent Tooth Loss

There are several ways to reduce the risk of tooth loss, here are eight tips for preventing tooth loss:

1) Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day will help keep your teeth healthy and prevent bacterial build-up. Regular dental checkups can also help maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

2) Limit Sugary Foods & Drinks

Limiting sugary foods and drinks will help reduce the risk of cavities and other oral health problems.

3) Avoid Chewing Hard Objects

Chewing on hard objects such as pens, pencils, ice, or sticky candy can cause damage to the enamel of your teeth and lead to a higher risk of tooth loss.

4) Wear a Mouthguard

Wearing a mouthguard when participating in contact sports or other activities can reduce the risk of tooth trauma. Make sure to have your mouthguard fitted by a dentist for optimal protection.

5) Quit Smoking or Using Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco use are linked to an increased risk of tooth loss. Quitting these habits will help reduce the risk of tooth decay and other oral health issues.

6) Take Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D helps to keep your teeth strong and healthy, so taking a supplement can help reduce the risk of tooth loss.

7) Avoid Teeth Grinding or Clenching

Teeth grinding or clenching can cause enamel wear and damage to the teeth, leading to a higher risk of tooth loss. If you struggle with these habits, talk to your dentist about preventive measures that can be taken.

8) Wear a Nightguard

If you suffer from chronic dry mouth or snore frequently at night, wearing a nightguard can help protect your teeth from damage.

By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of tooth loss and ensure that your smile remains healthy for years to come. However, if you do experience a dental emergency such as a knocked out tooth, it is important to take immediate action and seek emergency dental care right away.

Reasons to Seek Emergency Dental Care

When you experience a dental emergency such as a knocked out tooth, it is important to seek urgent medical care right away. Here are some of the most common reasons to seek emergency dental care:

1) Knocked Out Tooth

A knocked out tooth is a dental emergency that requires immediate attention. If you can find the tooth, carefully rinse it off and place it in a cup or container of milk or saliva. Then, seek treatment right away to ensure that the tooth can be reinserted if possible.

2) Severe Toothache

If you are experiencing a severe toothache that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain medication, seek urgent dental care. This could be a symptom of an infection or other serious condition and should be treated as soon as possible.

3) Broken Tooth

If you experience a broken or cracked tooth, it should be treated by a dentist right away to prevent further damage.

4) Lost Filling or Crown

If you lose a filling or crown, seek treatment right away to avoid further dental problems.

5) Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease and should be treated promptly.


When you experience a dental emergency, it is important to seek urgent treatment right away. This will help reduce the risk of further damage and ensure that your smile remains healthy for years to come. Finding emergency dental care near you can be difficult, but doing some research ahead of time can save you time and money on services and ensure that you are getting the best possible care. With these tips in mind, you can be prepared for any dental emergency that comes your way and ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong.

What Is Considered A Dental Emergency That Requires Urgent Care?

Severe tooth pain, abscess, knocked-out tooth, broken tooth, and bleeding are a few conditions that require urgent care. However, you can visit a dentist whenever you experience tooth pain or discomfort. The pain might be mild, but it will worsen and can cause permanent damage to your gum, leading to tooth decay. Hence, you should address all dental issues to maintain oral health and prevent expensive treatments.

Some gum and teeth injuries can be serious and lead to severe complications. If the pain is unbearable and the bleeding is constant, it will require urgent care. Any delay will make treatment complex, and you will suffer more. Worse can happen, and you might lose your teeth. You can go through the following to know what a dental emergency is. You can take immediate action when you experience any of the conditions mentioned below.


Emergency means some dental conditions that demand immediate attention. However, most dental issues are mild and resolve within a few days with home care. For example, mild gum swelling can resolve without medical intervention. The same is for mild pain and discomfort. You can maintain oral hygiene and have a calcium-rich diet to avoid most dental problems. However, when any injury is severe or consistent, medical intervention is a must.

Once you visit your dentist, the medical professional will examine your teeth and decide on further procedures. Some dentists have emergency facilities you can consider visiting when you need urgent care.


If the pain is more and the damage is beyond your control, it requires urgent care. For example, you had some unfortunate incident that caused severe bleeding. You will have to take immediate care. You can consider urgent attention when you have a broken tooth. Similarly, a painful abscess will require the intervention of your dentist. You will know when you must visit a dentist. Pain and discomfort are the symptoms you should look for to get much-needed care. You should never ignore these symptoms since infections can spread, leading to irreparable loss. However, here are some conditions that require urgent care.


Knocked-out teeth can cause severe pain and discomfort. Once you have this condition, you can take warm water to rinse your mouth. The process will remove the blood and prevent infection. However, you must avoid touching that area and removing any tissue fragments. Visit your dentist immediately since any delay will cause more damage, especially when it has an infection. You should not try to fix the tooth to the socket. Visit a dentist at the earliest possible and let the professionals fix the condition. Your dentist will reinsert the knocked-out tooth within an hour if repairable. You should never ignore this condition since you might lose your tooth without immediate care.


Toothache can cause a lot of discomforts and impact the quality of your life. If you have this condition, you can take warm water to clean your mouth. You can also consider dental floss to clean the impacted tooth and lodged food. You can use a cold compress when you have swelling. Apply it to the cheek and outside of the affected area. You can take some painkillers to get immediate relief. However, visit your dentist when the pain is severe and not responding to self-care. There might be some infections that your dentist will treat with antibiotics or other treatments. Immediate care will prevent further damage, and you can expect a fast recovery.


Cracked teeth will require urgent care to minimize the damage. First, you will have to rinse your mouth with warm water. Also, save the broken pieces of your teeth. You can use a gauge for ten minutes to stop bleeding. You can use a cold compress outside the affected area for the pain. Now, you can visit a dentist to check the extent of damage and decide on the treatment. The dentist will examine your teeth and plan the treatment depending on the severity of the injury. However, you can expect the best care when visiting a reliable dentist.


You must see an experienced dentist when you have a partially dislodged tooth. Also, you can use a cold compress outside the affected area and on the cheek for pain and discomfort. You can also consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. But visit your dentist immediately to plan further treatment and recover fast.


Dental abscesses will require urgent care to reduce pain and ensure complete recovery. The cyst is a pimple-like infection that you can see around the root of your tooth. It might also come between teeth and gums. It is a severe condition that will impact the surrounding tissue and teeth. Some ignore a tooth abscess and spend more on treatment when it becomes more painful. An untreated abscess can cause facial swelling, and the infection might spread to other parts of your body. You can rinse your mouth with salt water, but visit your dentist immediately to treat the condition. You might need some antibiotics for complete recovery.


Some will have dental restorations to restore the functionality of the damaged teeth. However, your dental restoration can become dislodged or fall out. If it happens, visit your dentist to fix it and avoid further expenses. An experienced dentist can put it back in its place. Medical professionals know how to fix it and which procedure can help with the best solution. You should avoid following home remedies since they can even worsen the condition. Some use denture adhesives or dental cement to put the restoration back in place. However, these are not safe and might cause more damage.


You can have consistent bleeding when the soft tissues of your gums or lips get injured. Rinse your mouth with mild salt water to stop bleeding. You can also use a tea bag for the same purpose. However, visit your dentist, treat your injuries, and prevent infection.

Take urgent dental care whenever needed and avoid severe conditions and expensive treatments.

Prevention For Dental Emergencies


Prevention is the key to avoiding costly, time-consuming trips to the dentist for emergency care. Dental emergencies can be painful and frightening, but there are steps you can take to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Below are tips for preventing dental emergencies, from regular checkups and brushing habits to recognizing warning signs of potential issues.

1: Regular Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Preventative care is the best way to avoid dental emergencies. It is best to visit your dentist twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings. During these visits, your dentist can identify potential problems before they become more severe. They can also advise you on maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding injury.

2: Proper Brushing Habits

Proper brushing habits are essential for avoiding dental emergencies. Brush your teeth twice daily, using a toothbrush with soft bristles and fluoride-containing toothpaste. Spend at least two minutes brushing each time, and brush gently in a circular motion. Additionally, brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth can help prevent bad breath and decrease plaque buildup.

3. Flossing Regularly

Flossing removes food particles and bacteria that a toothbrush alone cannot reach. The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once a day. Flossing helps to reduce plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to cavities and gum disease, both of which can eventually result in dental emergencies.

4: Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking and chewing tobacco can cause severe damage to your teeth and gums, leading to an increased risk of dental emergencies. Not only does tobacco use lead to staining and bad breath, but it also increases your risk of developing gum disease and oral cancer. If you use tobacco products, quit now to protect your teeth and overall health.

5: Wear a Mouthguard

Mouthguards help to cushion the teeth and gums from impact, decreasing the risk of injury. Mouthguards are essential for preventing dental emergencies, especially if you play sports or have a history of clenching or grinding your teeth. Ask your dentist about custom-fit mouthguards for the best protection.

6: Avoid Chewing on Hard Objects

Chewing on hard objects like ice, popcorn kernels, or hard candy can crack or chip your teeth. Choose soft foods such as apples or carrots if you must chew on something. Also, avoid using your teeth as a tool to open packages or bottles, which can lead to dental emergencies.

7: Don’t Use Teeth As Tools

Using your teeth as tools is one of the quickest ways to cause a dental emergency. Never use your teeth to open packages or remove bottle caps, and avoid using them as scissors when cutting string or thread. These activities might seem harmless but can easily cause cracks, chips, and other damage that could require an emergency visit to the dentist.

8. Avoid Chewing Hard Objects

Choose soft foods such as apples or carrots if you must chew on something. Chewing on complex objects like ice, popcorn kernels, or hard candy can crack or chip your teeth. Also, avoid using your teeth as a tool to open packages or bottles, which can lead to dental emergencies.

9: Wear a Mouthguard During Sports Activities

Mouthguards help to cushion the teeth and gums from impact, decreasing the risk of injury. Mouthguards are essential for preventing dental emergencies, especially if you play sports or have a history of clenching or grinding your teeth. Ask your dentist about custom-fit mouthguards for the best protection.

10: Get Treatment For Grinding Teeth

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a condition where you clench or grind your teeth when sleeping. This can cause wear and tear on the enamel of your teeth, leading to pain or even fractures. If you think you may be grinding your teeth at night, consult your dentist about getting treatment.

11: Don’t Bite Your Nails

Biting your nails is not only bad for your overall health but can also lead to dental emergencies. Biting hard objects such as fingernails puts unnecessary pressure on the teeth, eventually leading to chips and cracks in the tooth’s enamel. It’s best to keep nails trimmed short and resist the urge to bite them.

12: Get Regular Dental Checkups

Regular checkups and dental cleanings are essential for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. During these visits, the dentist can spot any potential issues with your teeth or gums before they become severe enough to require emergency treatment. Be sure to attend all of your scheduled appointments for the best results.

13: Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet can help to keep your teeth healthy and strong, reducing your risk of dental emergencies. Choose foods high in calcium, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks, which can cause tooth decay over time.

14. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for both your mental and physical health, and it can also help to keep your mouth healthy. Research has linked lack of sleep with an increased risk of gum disease, which can lead to dental emergencies if left untreated. Be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night for optimal oral health.

15: Keep a Dental Emergency Kit Handy

Finally, keeping a dental emergency kit on hand in an accident is important. This should include gauze, cotton swabs, and wax for protection if you experience broken braces or wires. It can also help to have over-the-counter painkillers and antibiotics in case of infection or swelling.

16. Have Dental Insurance Coverage

Having dental insurance coverage is also important in case of a dental emergency. Your insurance may cover some or all of the costs associated with emergency treatments, so it’s always best to ensure adequate coverage before an accident occurs.


Dental emergencies can cause significant pain and discomfort and often require expensive treatments. Taking proper care of your teeth by following these prevention tips for dental emergencies can help keep your mouth healthy and reduce the chances of accidents. Regular checkups at the dentist are also essential for catching any potential problems early on before they become serious enough to require emergency treatment. Proper preventative measures allow you to keep your smile looking its best for years.

How To Handle Dental Emergencies At Home

Oral health contributes to overall body health. If you are looking to keep your body healthy, you should keep taking care of your oral health well. If you have healthy teeth and gums, it would help you lead a comfortable life. On the contrary, if you have tooth or gum problems, you would face a lot of difficulties. In fact, poor oral hygiene adversely affects the health of your body. So, if you want to stay safe from diseases and illnesses, you must ensure that your oral cavity, teeth, and gums do not contribute to them.

Healthy teeth make you confident

When you have a set of pearly white teeth, you would feel more confident. Several people with an unpleasant set of teeth feel embarrassed when meeting people. They do not feel confident enough to open up in front of people. They even avoid laughing even at the funniest jokes lest their ugly teeth will show up. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you should get dental services soon.

As important as it is to keep your teeth and gums healthy, it is equally important to keep them safe. You should try your best to guard your mouth so that you are able to avoid accidents. However, even after utmost care and attention, if you or someone close to you faces any dental emergency, you should know what to do.


1. Imagine your kid is playing outdoors and he rushes in with a broken tooth. What would you do? The first thing to do is to not panic. A lot of people panic seeing a knocked out tooth and blood oozing out from the gums. Panicking would prevent you from making practical decisions, so you should compose yourself. At first, you should ask your child to rinse their mouth thoroughly so that blood does not go inside the stomach. You should get hold of the broken or knocked out tooth and rush to the emergency dentist. In most cases, if you visit a dental professional within an hour of the accident, you would be able to restore the tooth. If a part of a tooth has been broken, it can be fixed easily by an experienced emergency dentist. You should act fast and not take things lightly.

2. Similarly, if you or someone else in your family experiences a sudden toothache in the middle of the night, and it persists, you would have to find a quick solution for pain relief. Toothaches are among the worst pains known to man especially when you experience them during night time. It makes sleeping impossible with throbbing pain. So, it is always a good idea to keep some painkillers in your first aid kit prescribed by an experienced dentist. You can use the painkiller to get temporary relief so that the night passes on comfortably. When the night passes by, you can visit the dentist to find the underlying reason for the pain and get a solution for the same.

3. If a tooth has been dislodged, what would you do? If someone falls over or hits something hard that causes their tooth to dislodge, it is necessary to get help at the earliest. If you or any other family member has a dislodged tooth due to any reason, this dental emergency should be attended to at the earliest. When you visit an experienced dentist at the right time, they would be able to fix the problems quickly and easily. If you ignore the problem for a long time, the problem might aggravate making you suffer more. Even the dentist may find it difficult to put the tooth back in place. So, in order to avoid problems and make things easier for you and your dentist both, you should not delay at all.

4. Imagine waking up in the morning to the noise of your spouse writhing in pain. You ask them the reason and they point toward their face. When you look up, you notice their face looking swollen. When you enquire about the reason, you learn that there is something wrong with their jaws. What would you do in such a situation? There might be different reasons why jaws get swollen. One of the most common reasons is an infection. As a regular person, you might not be able to help them. So, you should seek professional help without any further delay. The dentist would find the actual reason behind the problem and help your spouse get relief.


When you face any dental health emergency at home, you would need to rush at the earliest. You cannot sit back and start looking for an emergency dentist. So, it is important to do your homework before any emergency. So, how do you start looking for emergency dentists? The easiest thing you can do is to ask people around you. If they have visited any proficient dentist in the past, they would help you with their recommendations. You can talk to a number of people and make a list of their recommendations. When you face any dental health emergency, you would quickly have a look at your list and visit the right one for your issue.

If you are unable to get any help from friends or relatives, you can always check out local directories. You would find several resources online that would make your work easier. When you are looking online, you should find the dentists that serve around your location. Do not shortlist someone that is far away from you. In an emergency, you would be able to reach out to them at the right time. When you are shortlisting dentists, you must ensure they are emergency dentists. Not all dental professionals offer emergency services, it would be good to personally verify with them if they offer emergency services. It would also help if you would note down some medicines that can be used in the time of emergencies.

How To Handle A Lost Filling Or Crown

When a tooth is damaged due to decay, trauma, or wear, it may require restoration through either a filling or a crown. Both options aim to restore the function and appearance of the tooth, but the choice between the two depends on the extent of the damage. A filling is a dental restoration that involves removing the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth and filling the resulting cavity with a tooth-colored material, such as composite resin or amalgam. Fillings are typically recommended for small to moderate cavities that do not compromise the structural integrity of the tooth. On the other hand, a dental crown, also known as a cap, is a prosthetic device that covers the entire visible portion of a damaged tooth. A crown may be recommended for more extensive damage, such as a large cavity or a cracked tooth, or for cosmetic reasons. Crowns can be made of various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination. The decision between a filling and a crown is typically made by a dentist after evaluating the extent of the damage and considering other factors, such as the location of the tooth, the patient’s oral health history, and the patient’s aesthetic preferences. It is important to address dental problems promptly, as delaying treatment may lead to more extensive damage and require more invasive and costly procedures.

How To Handle A Lost Filling Or Crown

Below are ways to handle a lost filling or crown. This can be a common problem and it is important to treat it carefully, as it will require careful attention to avoid potential major dental issues.

1. Consider Replacing The Tooth.

The tooth may require more calcium from the diet to move the tooth back into position. If it is missing a small amount of enamel, consider coloring or bonding it with a temporary filling until you are able to get in for a permanent filling. The porous nature of the tooth increases the risk of decay in this area, so it is recommended to have the tooth monitored.

2. Seal The Tooth

This is best applied with a temporary material, like a silicone rubber sealant. Be sure to cover the perimeter of the tooth to avoid trapping debris in the gap between the filling and the surrounding teeth. The sealing material will react to any trapped debris.

3. Seal The Crown With A Temporary Filling

If the crown is missing, covering the area with a simple temporary filling will prevent loss of the crown and will delay any negative reaction caused by saliva or other material that can seal out harmful bacteria. The sealing material used in this case should be made of an acelluar, contact-type adhesive and it should be kept moist with saliva on a regular basis. If there is any tooth decay present in the cavity, the decay needs to be treated before the sealant can be applied without risking breakage or discoloration of the crown at high temperatures needed for sealing.

4. Seal The Crown With A Permanent Filling

It is important to be aware that some permanent ceramic crowns are designed to accept only one type of filling material, primarily inert substances like carbamide peroxide. This material, however, can corrode any filling material that is not compatible with it, and this may lead to improper placement or an unwanted reaction. If a crown is lost and the filling material used for sealing is incompatible with the porcelain crown, taking steps towards repairing the crown should be considered before attempting to preserve the tooth.

5. Wait For Your Doctor To Replace The Crown

This will hopefully prevent further damage to your tooth and would spare you from unnecessary dental procedures such as extractions or fillings later on.

6. Replace The Crown With A Shatter-Retained Crown

If a crown can be saved, it is important to know the proper way to treat the broken fragments that are left over after the crown breaks down. This will ensure that further damage is minimized and maintain the appearance of the tooth. It is best to have a dental professional complete this procedure as they are trained in such matters and can provide you with specific instructions to avoid unnecessary dental procedures such as extractions or fillings later on.

Tooth repair and restoration also known as encasement or bonding can be done by a dental professional. It involves changing the appearance or function of a tooth, by adding new dentin or bone to the tooth.

7. Replace The Crown

A crown (also known as cap) is a prosthetic device that covers the visible portion of a damaged tooth. Crowns can be made of various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination. The decision between a filling and a crown is typically made by a dentist after evaluating the extent of the damage and considering other factors, such as the location of the tooth, the patient’s oral health history, and the patient’s aesthetic preferences. It is important to address dental problems promptly, as delaying treatment may lead to more extensive damage and require more invasive and costly procedures.

8. See Your Dentist

The tooth may require more calcium from the diet to move the tooth back into position. If it is missing a small amount of enamel, consider coloring or bonding it with a temporary filling until you are able to get in for a permanent filling. The porous nature of the tooth increases the risk of decay in this area, so it is recommended to have the tooth monitored.

9. Sealing The Tooth

This is best applied with a temporary material, like a silicone rubber sealant. Be sure to cover the perimeter of the tooth to avoid trapping debris in the gap between the filling and the surrounding teeth. The sealing material will react to any trapped debris.


The tooth may require more calcium from the diet to move the tooth back into position. If it is missing a small amount of enamel, consider coloring or bonding it with a temporary filling until you are able to get in for a permanent filling. The porous nature of the tooth increases the risk of decay in this area, so it is recommended to have the tooth monitored. The sealing material used in this case should be made of an acellular, contact type adhesive and it should be kept moist with saliva on a regular basis.

How To Deal With Broken Orthodontics


Breaking an orthodontic appliance is a common problem faced by many patients. Whether it’s due to an unforeseen accident or simply normal wear and tear, the fact of the matter is that these appliances can be expensive and time-consuming to repair. It can also cause discomfort if not attended to promptly.

In this article, we will discuss Some tips on how to deal with broken orthodontics quickly and efficiently. From understanding your options for repair to knowing what materials are available for replacement parts, you’ll find valuable information here that will help you take action as soon as possible when facing a broken appliance.

1. Be prepared:

Make sure you always have spare parts for your orthodontic appliances in case of an emergency. Many orthodontists provide spare parts such as brackets, wires, and elastics for their patients to have available at all times.

2. Follow your orthodontist’s instructions:

Your orthodontist will provide specific instructions on caring for your braces and appliance after installation. Make sure that you follow these directions closely so that you can avoid any unexpected breakage or damage.

3. Don’t panic:

If your brace does break, there is no need to panic. There are a few simple steps that you can take to get the appliance back into working order quickly and safely. Remain calm and approach the situation logically to determine your case’s best course of action.

4. Schedule an emergency appointment:

If you cannot repair the brace yourself or have any doubts about the integrity of the appliance, make sure that you schedule an emergency appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible. Your orthodontist will be able to assess the damage and advise on how best to repair it.

5. Know what materials are available:

Before scheduling an appointment, research different types of braces and materials that could be used for repairs. Knowing which parts can be replaced without getting a whole new brace will save you time and money when it comes to fixing your appliance.

6. Try to repair it yourself:

If you are comfortable making the repairs yourself, there are a few simple steps to fix a broken brace or appliance on your own. Don’t attempt any repairs that require specific tools or technical know-how unless advised by your orthodontist.

7. Use orthodontic wax:

Orthodontic wax is a great way to temporarily fix a loose bracket or wire until you can get into the office for an appointment. The wax serves as a protective barrier between the metal parts of the appliance and soft tissue in your mouth, helping to reduce irritation and discomfort while providing some stability to the broken appliance.

8. Avoid hard foods:

Avoiding hard, chewy or sticky foods can help to decrease the chances of breakage or damage to your orthodontic appliance. These types of foods can easily get stuck in the wires and brackets and cause them to stretch or snap.

9. Don’t try DIY repairs using household items:

Although it may seem like a good idea to use household items such as rubber bands, paper clips, or hair ties for repairs, these materials are unsuitable for orthodontic appliances and could do more harm than good if used incorrectly. Always follow your orthodontist’s recommendations to ensure that your appliance is repaired correctly and safely.

10. Be gentle when brushing:

When brushing your teeth, use gentle strokes and avoid scrubbing too hard. This can help to prevent damage to your braces and other orthodontic appliances. Be sure to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and top. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste recommended by your orthodontist to avoid damaging your appliances.

11. Avoid whitening products:

It is best to avoid using any form of teeth whitening products when wearing braces or other orthodontic appliances. Whitening products may cause permanent discoloration to the metal components of the braces, which can be difficult and expensive to repair. Additionally, whitening products can worsen any irritation that you may already be experiencing in your mouth due to the appliance, as they can cause further sensitivity in your teeth and gums. If you want to whiten your teeth while wearing braces, it is best to speak with your orthodontist about alternatives that will not damage the metal components of your appliance.

12. Wear a mouthguard:

If you play contact sports or engage in any activity with a risk of getting hit in the mouth, it is essential to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth, gums, and orthodontic appliance. Your orthodontist can provide you with a custom-fitted mouthguard that will offer the best protection while still allowing you to participate comfortably in your chosen activity.

13. Don’t take out the appliance yourself:

Removing your brace or appliance without supervision from your orthodontist can cause serious damage to your teeth and gums. If you are experiencing discomfort or if your appliance is causing irritation, schedule an appointment with your orthodontist so that they can make any necessary adjustments.

14. Be careful with gum and candy:

Gum and candy should be avoided while wearing orthodontic appliances, as they may stick to the wires and brackets, causing them to stretch or snap. Gum and candy can also get lodged in between teeth and cause discomfort. Sugary foods can cause cavities, even with braces on, so practicing good oral hygiene is important. It is best to avoid sticky sweets such as caramels or taffy, and to brush your teeth soon after eating sugary treats. Since some gum and candy contain sugar substitutes that can harm the oral appliance, it is best to ask your orthodontist for guidance when choosing candy or gum products.

15. Don’t forget regular checkups:

Regular check-ups with your orthodontist will help ensure that any problems with your appliance are caught early on before they become serious. Additionally, visiting your orthodontist for routine cleanings and adjustments is essential for proper care of your braces or appliance and keeping them in good working order.

By following this advice, you can keep your braces or appliance in top condition and ensure it is repaired properly and quickly. Your orthodontist can also advise you on how to care for your appliance and what steps to take if it’s broken or damaged. With proper care, your braces will work effectively in straightening your teeth!

Finding Emergency Dental Care Near You

Do you know around 30% of people need emergency dental care at some point in their lives? Thus, comes the importance of having the contact number of a qualified emergency dentist handy. When you come face to face with a serious dental health concern, you may not be in the right headspace and/or situation to properly search for experienced professional help. Thus, in most cases, people with a dental emergency wind up choosing inadequate help. With this in mind, it is recommended that you take time to choose an expert emergency dentist before it is necessary.

To help you out, here some tips to make finding emergency dental care near you easier and quicker are mentioned. So, keep on reading to find out more!


* Experience

A massive list containing information on hundreds of professional emergency dental clinics near your location is the first problem you will encounter when looking for such help online. Being bombarded with so many options can complicate the search process and leave you all confused or overwhelmed. Your goal is to shortlist only the experienced ones. A dentist with years of hands-on experience will have the advanced knowledge, training, skill, and tools/equipment to provide satisfactory results every time. Emergency dental cases are often complex and taking experienced assistance is advisable for the many benefits it can provide. So, when choosing an emergency dentist, explore the official website accurately to look into the education and training of the clinic’s dentists and staff.

* Location

Even a short 30-minute drive can feel like it is taking hours in an emergency situation. So, if your selected emergency dental clinic is quite far, the drive to reach the place will be stressful and painful. You should always check the clinic location/locations to ensure you can get quick assistance during an emergency. Even if the area seems near you, double-check with the help of Google Maps to ensure it is easily reachable via multiple transportation options. Experts recommend finding emergency assistance that is only 15 minutes away from your location.

* Insurance

Are you aware of your dental insurance plan? Understand the plan well and ensure that the emergency dentist of your choice takes your insurance. During a medical emergency, most people usually do not have the time to search for professional help that works with their medical/health insurance and go for the nearest option available. If you search for an emergency dentist beforehand, you will have plenty of time to select as per your insurance plan and get the deserved benefits.

* Available services

Not all dental concerns are considered dental emergencies. Thus, you have to know which concerns are classified as dental emergencies. The information will help you to determine when and how to take professional help for the concern at hand. A dental issue that is considered the most common type of dental emergency is tooth or gum abscesses. If left untreated, it will lead to an infection. If you let your infection spread, your mortality rate will increase by 40%. Other dental concerns that require immediate professional assistance are lost filling and crowns, bleeding mouth, facial swelling, knocked-out and broken teeth, and broken braces. So, when choosing an emergency dentist, ensure they provided all the common types of dental emergency services. You do not want to end up with an emergency at a clinic and realize that they do not provide the dental emergency service that you are in need of.

* Pricing and Payment options

Everyone follows a budget and has a fixed emergency fund ready to go. So, choosing an emergency dentist that fits your preferred price range is necessary. When you have a number ready to call before a dental emergency strikes, you will know that the dental care you are about to receive will not cause a dent in your bank account. Most people searching at the time of an emergency end up making an expensive mistake. You can contact the dental clinic of your choice or check their website to know the estimated cost of different dental emergency services. While on their website, also check if they offer any payment installment plan. You must ensure that the payment options offered by the emergency dentist are favorable to you.

* Read online reviews

To ensure the emergency dental care of your choice is indeed capable of providing everything it promises, check the online reviews by their past patients. You can also check out online testimonials to get an idea about the experience the clinic, staff, and dentists can provide. Going through a dental procedure is often scary for lots of people. Thus, it is natural to prioritize your comfort. Past patients of a dental clinic can paint a clear picture for you, allowing you to make an effective decision.


If you think that dental emergency care means the dentist will be available even at 3 AM, think again! Not all emergency dentists are available 24/7. Furthermore, a dentist providing a dental service (for example tooth filling) during normal office hours may not be providing the service to emergency patients. There are many crucial pointers of decision-making and not all of them will be available on the official website and review sites. Thus, to ensure you are picking the best option for you, contact the emergency dental clinic of your choice and inquire about the particular information you are looking for. Note down all the questions you have before making the call and get the answers to determine if the emergency dentist is the right fit for you. To get you started, here are some vital questions to ask:

* Who do you treat? Or What ages do you treat?
* Is there any wait time for emergency patients?
* What are the office hours for emergency patients?
* What sedation options do you provide?
* Can you provide an idea of the standard emergency follow-up protocol?
* Do you have any special services (for example transportation service or home visits) for patients living nearby?


There you have it; these were some simple yet effective tips that will help you to find the right emergency dental care near you. So, do use the information provided above to find what suits your preference, concerns, and budget the best. Keep the dentist’s contact information within easy reach and be well prepared for any sort of dental emergency.

Does Your Dental Emergency Require A Cosmetic Dentist?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth through shaping, closing spaces, whitening and replacing. In short, if you want your teeth to look aesthetically pleasing then cosmetic dentist is the best person for you. If you are in need of a dental emergency due to a broken dental crown then it is very important for you to visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible. If the cosmetic dentist who has placed the dental crown is available then you would most probably contact them for replacing the dental crown. However, if in case that dentist isn’t available, you have moved to another place or you don’t want to visit that dentist again then you can consider any other dentist instead of the cosmetic dentist.

Why you need to choose an emergency dentist instead of cosmetic dentist?

If you are wondering does your dental emergency require a cosmetic dentist then you need to know that your dental emergencies can be best taken care by any good and reputed emergency dentist. The emergency dentists will offer you the kind of dental care you need in emergency situations. You don’t need to bother about visiting a cosmetic dentist if you choose a good and reputed emergency dentist.

Many emergency dentists are dental Jack of all trades

There are many good and reputed emergency dentists who are dental Jack of all trades. They will ensure to serve their patients with restorative, general and cosmetic dentistry. Dental emergencies mostly requires more than one procedures. Most of the dentists use cosmetic restoration only after addressing the initial problem. Like for example if a person is having a broken, chipped or knocked out tooth or need root canal treatment then after addressing the issue, the dentist will carry out the restoration process. The good and reputed emergency dentists treat their patients in the best possible way due to their extensive experience in cosmetic procedures. There are some emergency dentists who also perform dental implants. So, basically if you find a good and reputed dentist then you can rest assured to get the best dental care in one place.

What you need to do when your dental crown breaks or comes off?

If your dental crown breaks or comes off then the first thing that you need to keep in mind is not to swallow them. Make sure that you carefully take them out from your mouth. If you swallow them accidentally then you will have to face additional difficulties. Make sure that you call the emergency dentist and visit them at the earliest. The emergency dentist will suggest you whether you should be using temporary cement for re-attaching the crown. You need to keep in mind to abstain from the substances that are crunchy, chewy or sticky.

Where to look for a good and reputed emergency dentist?

If you are looking for a good and reputed emergency dentist then you can take recommendations from people you know such as your family members, relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. They might have taken the services of the emergency dentist at some point of their lives. If you don’t get any good recommendations from people you know then you can look for them online. You will find the list of many emergency dentists around you if you look for them online. The best and easiest way to look for a good and reputed emergency dentist is online as you will be able to find them in the comfort of your home. However, make sure that you research well about the dentist before choosing them. You will find a lot of information online that would help you to make the right decision. After choosing an emergency dentist, call them for an appointment. The good and reputed emergency dentist will promptly schedule an appointment.

What to look for, while choosing a good and reputed emergency dentist?

After exploring all the sources, you need to make a list having the names of all the dentists you have shortlisted. You need to do proper research about all those dentists whom you have shortlisted. Below is the list of few things that you need to keep in mind while choosing a emergency dentist

Proper degree and certification

You need to ensure that the emergency dentist you are considering to choose has proper degree and certification.


It is very important for an emergency dentist to have enough experience in this field in order to handle various kinds of situations.

Kind of services

It is very important to ensure that the dentist you are choosing provides a wide range of dental services. You can call them or contact them through the internet and find out the type of dental services they have been providing.

Visit the clinic

You can visit the dentist in order to see how well they have maintained their clinic. It is very important for the dental clinic to be hygienic. Moreover, during your visit, you will also be able to see how are the staffs and how you are being treated at their clinic. You can enquire about the approach they adopt when someone calls them in emergency situations.

Reviews and testimonials

Reviews and testimonials are very crucial while choosing a dentist. The reviews and testimonials will let you know a lot of things about the dentist that will help you to make the right decision. The good and reputed emergency dentists will have many good reviews and testimonials on the internet.

Ignoring dental problems isn’t advisable. It is very crucial to fix dental problems at the earliest in order to save yourself from further problems and hassles of the last minute. So, make sure that you find a good and reputed emergency dentist well in advance before the occurrence of any kind of dental problems. If you have the contact details of a good and reputed dentist well in advance then you will be able to visit them before wasting any further time, whenever any dental need arises.

Dental Emergencies: Children vs Adults

Appointments with dentists can be a scary experience even for adults, so it is completely normal for children to get scared just from the thought of having to visit a dentist to check if everything is under control. This is a problem as many parents decide to ignore dentist appointments in order to make their children feel less sacred, but this is a bad decision as dental emergencies with children are completely different when compared to adult cases, starting with the fact that the younger the patient is, the more patient and understanding the professional should have.

While it is true that all dental care has the same goal in mind, convincing any child that dental hygiene and appointments are important is not easy at all, but that does not mean that parents have to give up, in fact, they should be wary, as many complications could come from this kind of neglection. The following article focuses on discussing the impact of dental emergencies on children vs adults.


Let’s start with the fact that younger patients should have access to a more careful, thoughtful, and charming dentist that specializes in working with children as many tools and resources used in the dental care industry are extremely scary, and the fact that the simple contact or touch in the mouth could hurt a lot, everything could crumble in a matter of seconds.

On the other hand, adults should not be as scared as the previously described patients for the fact that they will have more experience, allowing them to be more mentally prepared for the situation as they will understand with words and explanations what is wrong with their teeth and how everything can be fixed.


However, in a dental emergency, it just does not matter how grown up you are, pain will be experienced as one of the main symptoms, and while adults can do their best to hold the pain and stay calmed and focused, children will find this as something impossible to do, and they will start screaming, crying or anything else that can make the situation a lot worse.

As a parent, it is easy to think that during an emergency things will get under control, but in most cases, when children are involved things tend to escalate pretty quickly. Just to see how much of a difference there is during dental emergencies children vs adults, let’s take a look at a list of events that happen during such emergencies to see how both parties behave and what options are available for them.


Children that are the victim of pain or any annoying symptom involved with dental issues can not stay calm or still, proving to be a problem for the dentists who need to make their job as soon as possible to de-escalate the situation. That is why dentists’ offices for kids are decorated in a different way, they will have access to tools and resources that can help young patients stay under control and prevent them from crying, screaming, closing their mouths, or making sudden moves.

This is not the same with adults, because an adult understands that everything will depend on his/her behavior, and knowing this will make the patient do as much as possible to help the dentist with the procedure by following the indications and providing valuable information on what seems to be wrong.


It does not matter if the patient is a child or an adult as dental emergencies are developed from similar reasons, it could be things like a dental abscess, decay, toothache from previous procedures or external issues, or anything else. However, what does change is the diagnosis, as children are most notorious for suffering from dental emergencies related to fractures, broken teeth, or knocked-out teeth while adults tend to suffer from more serious issues in the long run, but even the less “complicated” emergency can happen to an adult and worse case scenarios can be seen in children as well that is why a proper dentist and diagnostic is important.


Having a trustworthy pediatric dentist will save parents a lot of time, stress, and anxiety when it is time to do a check-up with the dentist. Also, having a professional in your contacts helps a lot, because asking the pediatric professional for information about dentists that deal with emergencies is a good idea, this will mean that parents will know where to look when something bad happens.

Adults do not have such an option as they are expected to be ready for any fight thanks to their obtained experience from past situations. However, adults do have access to modern tools that can be used to track any needed resource or professional in the area when something bad happens, and knowing how to drive or having friends that can be called is a plus, so there is nothing to fear.


Dentists must make extra exams and tests on children’s mouths to see that their baby teeth are as healthy as ever to guarantee that the adult teeth will grow up to be strong enough. That is why you can see how much time young patients consume in the office or during a checkup while on the other hand adults’ visits tend to be a lot shorter since everything will be sorted out almost from the beginning.

Also, just like it was explained before, young patients tend to be a little bit complex to work with since they can get scared and bored, preventing the professional from completing the job and thus consuming more time than what was expected. Sadly, for these cases there is not much that can be done, the dentist needs to show off the skills and experience to deal with younger patients while being careful and gentle at all times to reduce the possibilities of having to deal with a complicated checkup.

Chipped Or Cracked Tooth? What To Do

A chipped or cracked tooth can be a painful and alarming dental emergency that requires prompt attention from a qualified dental professional. Teeth can become chipped or cracked for various reasons, such as trauma to the mouth, grinding of teeth, or eating hard foods. The severity of the damage to the tooth will determine the course of action that should be taken to restore its health and appearance. This article will discuss what to do if you experience a chipped or cracked tooth and how to prevent future dental emergencies.

Assess the Damage

When you experience a chipped or cracked tooth, the first step is to assess the damage. If you experience severe pain or bleeding, it is essential to seek immediate dental attention. However, if the damage is minimal and not causing any pain, you can wait until your next dental appointment to examine it.

It is important to note that if the tooth has been completely knocked out, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. The tooth may be saved if you act quickly and follow the proper steps. You should rinse the tooth with clean water, place it in a container of milk or saliva, and seek immediate dental attention.

Temporary Solutions

If you experience a chipped or cracked tooth and cannot see a dentist immediately, there are temporary solutions that you can use to alleviate pain and prevent further damage to the tooth. Some of the most commonly used temporary solutions include:

You are using a cotton swab to apply blue light. This is a heat-activated gel that you can use to fill in small cracks and chips. It would be best to keep the tip of the swab warm by placing them in your hands or on top of a stove element for a few seconds. The crack and chip should be filled in immediately after it has been lit with bluelight. You can also mix vinegar and water, add drops of food coloring, and place them between the teeth to fill any tiny cracks or chips. To activate this solution, you can hold your open mouth over the solution for approximately 3 minutes; then run cool water over it for about 15 seconds and allow it to dry.

Rinsing the tooth with baking soda and water can help clean and alleviate pain. It would be best to sprinkle baking soda on your toothbrush and gently brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth with warm water, then add a spoonful of salt to a cup of warm water for about 30 seconds, swish around in your mouth, and spit out.

You can use an over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain. Be sure not to exceed the recommended dosage by swallowing or chewing the medicine because this could cause significant damage to your esophagus.

Your dental professional will be able to determine which temporary solution would work best for you.

Moderate Solutions

If the damage is minimal or if the tooth has been knocked out, there are several solutions your dentist can recommend for you to use at home. Some of these include:

You use a cotton swab and toothpaste to fill in small cracks and chips. You should apply toothpaste directly onto the crack and cover it with a cotton swab, gently rubbing it into the affected area. This should not be done on larger cracks because it may cause more harm than good. You can also buy ice-cold water from your local grocery store. Place the bottle of water in the freezer for 24 hours to activate this solution. Then, apply it to the affected area to relieve pain and kill bacteria.

You use a tiny toothpaste dab on a damp cotton swab to fill in small cracks or chips. This is another excellent solution for filling contamination in tiny cracks or chips. You should apply minimal toothpaste directly onto the crack and cover it with a cotton swab, gently rubbing it into the affected area. It would be best if you did not do this on larger cracks because it could cause more harm than good.

You are creating a mixture using boiling water, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda and placing it between the teeth. You should stir the mixture and apply it between your teeth. The mixture should be placed in between your teeth for 5 minutes, and then it can be spat out. Be sure not to swallow this solution, as it can cause significant damage to your esophagus.

Your dental professional will be able to recommend the most effective solutions for you at home.

High-Level Solutions

If the damage is very severe, you may have to have a root canal or crown applied on the tooth that has been exposed or knocked out. For this, you will have to see a dentist as soon as possible.

It is important to seek immediate dental attention if you experience a chipped or cracked tooth. If a tooth becomes severely damaged or has been knocked out, you may have to replace it with an implant or crown. Your dentist will be able to recommend the most effective treatment options for your situation. If the damage is severe, consider seeing a dentist immediately if the pain continues after applying a temporary solution. In such an event, you may need the services of an emergency dentist to ensure that there is no further damage done and that your mouth is healed properly as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, be sure to seek immediate dental attention before more damage occurs. A chipped tooth can be restored, but it is essential that the dental professional can make sure it is done correctly and does not cause further damage to the mouth. If any signs of further damage occur, you may have to have a root canal or crown placed in order to prevent further damage.

Preventing Future Dental Emergencies

While it is impossible to prevent all dental emergencies, there are steps that you can take to reduce your risk of experiencing a chipped or cracked tooth. Dental professionals are able to recommend various techniques and products that the general public can use to prevent dental emergencies.

You should ensure you brush your teeth, floss, and visit your dentist at least twice a year. In addition, you should follow oral care guidelines given by your dentist and hygienist. If you have cavities or gum disease in your mouth, you may need more frequent dental visits to keep the decay from progressing further. This way, you can ensure that any future chipped or cracked tooth will not have significant damage done to it, and you will avoid long-term pain or other health issues in the future.

There is no way to prevent a chipped or cracked tooth completely. The most important thing is preventing further damage and seeking immediate treatment if pain occurs. If you are experiencing pain, be sure to see a dentist immediately in order to ensure that any further damage is not done. Dental professionals can also recommend various techniques, products, and procedures you can use at home to avoid further dental emergencies in the future.


Depending on the severity and extent of the problem, you may consider visiting an emergency dentist. Emergency dental clinics are easily accessible and can offer you the best treatment possible in an emergency. In many situations, you can avoid paying for emergency dental care if your dental insurance covers a certain percentage of care received in an emergency setting.