Should I Go To The ER If The Dentist Is Closed?

ER is for major medical emergencies that need immediate attention. Dentist offices are not 24 hours and dentists cannot prescribe medicine. So if you have something like a toothache, go to the dentist’s office, not the ER !” If you do go to the ER , make sure you explain what is wrong to the triage nurse. They will give you a number and take your vitals. The reasons why should i go to the er if the dentist is closed.

1. Pulpal inflammation

This is the most common reason for the ER visit, period! The pulp is the inner part of a tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. If there is an infection in the pulp, it will eventually lead to an abscess. A person can have more than one tooth with this problem at a time. If you have dental pain and don’t have an abscess but you have a bad root canal, go to the dentist right away. The dentist will look at the root canal, and if he sees any signs of infection, he will likely paint it with antibiotic paint. About 30 minutes after the tooth has been coated with antibiotic paint, the pain should be gone. If you have chronic pain with a short history of toothache, you may want to go to the ER , as there is a chance that your discomfort is related to your teeth and not just your head. You may want to bring this concern up with your dentist before going to the ER .

2. Dental abscesses

This is usually a bacterial infection in one or more teeth that has spread from an adjacent tooth, sometimes from an adjacent neck lymph node . Abscesses are like pockets of pus that trapped by the periodontal ligament. An abscess usually starts as a toothache but it worsens fast. The pain is usually throbbing and piercing, reaching up to the ear, and it will be worse on jaw movement or pressure on the face. It can be associated with a recent dental procedure such as root canal, or you may have chronic dental disease. You may also have nausea or vomiting and possibly fever and chills. The ER staff will evaluate you for other ailments (sinus infections, ear infections), and they will do a physical examination of your face, neck and head; they might do a chest X-ray to rule out lung infection .

3. Tooth abscesses need treatment right away

The tooth is infected and the pain is away from it. This can happen when a root canal involves the nerve of the tooth or one of its blood vessels. The infection spreads to nearby tissues and nerves, causing severe pain. Tooth abscesses are very common, especially among infants and children. If you have any of these symptoms in addition to tooth pain, you should go to the ER . The treatment for a tooth abscess involves removing the infected area (via an extraction), taking shots of antibiotics intravenously, and possibly putting medicine that kills bacteria directly into the area. It is important that you follow your dentist’s instructions; otherwise you will risk losing your tooth.

4. Implant infections

With dental implants , it is important to keep the socket clean and healthy. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for preventing infection in this type of prosthesis. If you have a dental implant, especially in the lower jaw or when there is a damaged gingiva overlying the implant, you should be vigilant to prevent infections. The most common reasons for implant infection are smoking, periodontitis and root-canal treatment. Symptoms include swelling and redness around the implant, pus draining from the site and fever. Usually a dentist can remove some of the infected bone without removing the entire tooth, but if pus has spread throughout your jaw or into your lungs or bloodstream you may need surgery to remove it completely. Some people are allergic to the metal used in dental implants .

5. Tooth infection from toothpaste

This is a very rare occurrence. The bacteria in toothpastes can colonize on teeth, especially false teeth, as well as soft tissues near the mouth. If you swallow toothpaste, it will usually dissolve in the stomach. If it stays on your teeth or gums, however, it can cause an infection. You should spit and rinse with water after brushing your teeth for two days after using toothpaste on your teeth or gums until the symptoms are gone. If an infection happens, you should call your dentist immediately.

6. Tooth infections and abscesses in kids

Infants and children should not be allowed to put anything in their mouths. The mouth is an open wound that can easily hurt your child. The best way to prevent dental problems is by starting the act of brushing even before the teeth appear. When a person is a baby, he or she can develop several dental diseases such as tooth decay, cavities and pulpitis. This is because the baby’s teeth are very small making them easy to swallow foreign objects such as bottle nipples and pacifiers. If you think that your child has any of these teeth diseases, you should contact your dentist immediately.

7. Tooth abscesses caused by last month’s treatment

Drug-induced gingival overgrowth is the most common reason for infection or cellulitis. This is when the gums overgrow after a tooth extraction or root canal therapy. The excess tissue grows up on the tooth crown and creates a pocket of pus under the gum line. If you don’t get rid of that pocket, it can become infected and lead to cellulitis, which is an infection in the tissues around your teeth. The infection may spread to other parts of your mouth and face including your gums, cheeks and tongue. You should go to the ER because you need antibiotic injections or surgery to remove a severely infected area from your mouth .

8. Severe toothache caused by a medical condition

A severe toothache can be an indication of many medical conditions, including pneumonia or cancer. But some severe toothaches can also be related to a recent dental infection or trauma. In these cases, you should see your dentist immediately before the pain worsens. If the pain does not improve within two days, go to the ER . If it is caused by a head injury , you should go immediately because you may have a skull fracture . When this happens, you will most likely be put in an ambulance and rushed to the nearest hospital. Your skull is not designed to prevent such injuries, so it will take some time for it heal.