Average Cost Of Emergency Dental Procedures

Does your declining oral health keep reminding you that the terrifying dentist’s chair is waiting for your arrival? If you are dealing with a toothache for days now or your family member just chipped a tooth, then the thought that is running through your mind must be – how much will it cost? It is quite natural to have this thought as the costs of most emergency dental procedures are notoriously high. Thus, it is important to understand which cases of dental problems can be classified as emergency or in need of immediate and/or quick professional aid. Having a clear idea will help you know if you should go for emergency care or follow the basic process and book an appointment later.

So, let’s check that out this first, and then the average cost of emergency dental procedures will be discussed to ensure you do not end up making an expensive blunder as you were unable to give your full attention during the dental emergency.


Have contact with a reliable dentist? Then, it will be best to consult with him/her over the phone to determine if the dental problem you are dealing with can be pushed or needs immediate attention. A professional will be able to diagnose the problem or understand accurately the severity of the problem, leading to apt steps moving forward.

However, certain dental injuries or problems require to be treated immediately. So, if you or your loved one is dealing with any one of the following, the best step here would be going for an emergency dental procedure instead of waiting for any confirmation that it is indeed an emergency:

* Loose, Dislodged, Cracked, or Broken tooth
* Knocked-out or Avulsed tooth
* Damaged or Missing tooth
* Exposed roots

Frequently, certain dental problems may not be visible to untrained eyes. So, you should also seek emergency care if you are dealing with unbearable or severe/extreme toothache. Generally, the most common emergency dental procedures are Tooth Extraction, Cavity Fill, Root Canal, Dental Crown, and Denture Relining and Repairing. Do keep on reading to find out the average costs of these common emergency dental procedures.


* Tooth Extraction

Most emergency visits to a dentist end up with a tooth extraction procedure. The dentist will suggest this one if you have a severe infection and/or fracture. It can stop the immediate spread of infection and will ease the pain. A tooth extraction is also suggested when your tooth is rooting. You will need anesthesia for certain cases and it will be determined by your dentist. Non-anesthesia tooth extractions are considered non-surgical and will cost around $75 to $300. On the other hand, tooth extractions with anesthesia will cost around $200 to $600. You will need 2 to 3 days to recover from this procedure and will need to take certain medicines during this recovery period.

* Cavity Fill

An emergency cavity fill procedure is suggested to ensure there is no further damage by a tooth cavity. Cavity fill is suggested for those suffering from minimal fracture and/or enamel decay. This procedure will eliminate further tooth damage and make chewing comfortable or natural like before. Many different types of materials will be available at the dental clinic. Do ask to check out all the options to see which one suits your budget. Generally, the two most common types of cavity fill material/procedure are the Silver amalgam filling and the Tooth-colored or Resin-based composite filling. The cost of the first type will be around $110 to $200 per tooth and it is still considered a cost-effective choice. On the other hand, the latter (tooth-colored or resin-based filling) will be around $135 to $240 per tooth.

* Root Canal

Root canal procedures are complex and are suggested in case of serious dental problems or injuries. It is mainly done to stop the spread of infection. There are certain cases, where the infection spreads to the face and neck. Such a case can be prevented with a timely root canal sitting (more than one sitting will be allotted based on the severity of the dental issue at hand). Many go for emergency root canal procedures as it is the easiest way to avoid tooth extraction. The cost for a Front root canal procedure will be around $700 to $900, whereas the price for a Molar will be around $1000 to $1200. If you need a Bicuspid root canal, the cost will be somewhere between $800 and $950. The price for this emergency dental procedure is high most times because it required specialized skills and tools.

* Dental Crown

If you need emergency dental help for a broken tooth or similar issue, you will be advised for a dental crown which is one of the most expensive dental procedures. You can also go for this one if you are dealing with extremely discolored teeth. They are screwed into the dental implant and protect the damaged tooth and make chewing natural again. There are many different materials available, however, the best options are porcelain/ceramic and metal. This procedure may need more than one sitting. The cost for a porcelain crown for a tooth will be somewhere between $1200 and $1500. On the other hand, the cost for a metal crown per tooth is around $1200 to $1400. Ask your dentist if the metal and porcelain combined crown will work for you or not. The average cost for such a crown for a tooth will be around $1000 to $1150.

* Denture Relining and Repairing

You might need an emergency denture relining if you feel that your dentures are not fitting your mouth well. The 3 different types that you might need are Temporary, Hard, and Soft denture relining. The price will depend on the type of denture (Partial/Full) you have and the problem you are dealing with. It will be somewhere between $300 to $500. On the other hand, emergency denture repair is also frequently needed by people with dentures. Such a procedure or repair may include fixing multiple teeth or a single tooth and fixing the denture’s framework either entirely or partially. The cost will depend on the kind of repair you require. Generally, these sorts of emergency denture repair costs will be around $100 to $200.


Hopefully, now you have some idea of the average costs of the common dental procedures that you might require out of the blue. When you know the average cost to fix a particular dental problem, the process of finding suitable professional help becomes easier. And lastly, do ensure you are selecting a qualified, licensed professional for accurate and expert help.